Stamina Pickles Kinpira
《 Ingredients 》
2 Servings
Lotus root (peeled and cut into thick sticks)170g
Carrots (peeled and cut into thin sticks)70g
Stamina Pickles (radish)70g
Stamina Pickles (seasoning liquid)60g
Sesame oil1 tbsp
White sesame seedsAs needed


1. In a frying pan, heat the sesame oil then fry the carrots and lotus root over medium heat.
2. Once the carrots and lotus root are cooked, add the Stamina Pickles (radish and seasoning liquid) and simmer until the seasoned liquid is gone. Add the white sesame seeds to finish.

Tips and Pointers

【What is Kinpira…?】 Kinpira is a traditional Japanese cooking technique in which vegetables (usually root vegetables) are finely sliced and braised (or sautéed and simmered) in a sweet sauce consisting of soy sauce, sugar, mirin, and hot chili peppers.


Used in this recipe!

Stamina Zuke(Pickled Radish)

Crunchy Japanese daikon radish (cut into strips), kelp, and red pepper are used. Aged tamari soy sauce and garlic are added for a lingering taste. The name Stamina Zuke was named with regard to boosting your stamina level.