Squid Sashimi with tossed in Katsuo (bonito) Shuto
《 Ingredients 》
2 Servings
Katsuo (bonito) Shuto (mild type)10g
Squid cut into sashimi100g
Wasabi or ground gingerAs needed


1. Add Katsuo (bonito) Shuto (mild type) and squid in a bowl.
2. Place ① on a plate and add wasabi or ground ginger.

Tips and Pointers

By adding lemon it gives a refreshing taste.


Used in this recipe!

Katsuo (bonito) Shuto Mild

Katsuo (bonito) Shuto is made from rare parts of bonito that have been cured and salted. It is then kept in storage for a long period of time and finished with an Odawara local sake called " Soga no Homare". The lightly salted taste makes it easy to eat and is popular among those who do not like strongly salted fish.
