【4th Place Recipe Contest】 Moist Chicken Salad and Two Types of Shuto Dipped in Anchoiade Sauce
《 Ingredients 》
1~2 Servings
Chicken Breast250g
Baby LeafAs needed
Cherry tomatoesAs needed
● Mentsuyu (Mentsuyu is a type of seasoning based on dashi, mirin, sake, and sugar)50㏄
● Soy Sauce0.5 tbsp
【Japanese-style sauce】 Shiso Leaves8
【Japanese-style sauce】 Sesame oil1.5 tbsp
【Japanese-style sauce】 Maguro (tuna) Shuto Mild0.5 tbsp
【Western-style sauce】 Sweet basil15
【Western-style sauce】 Olive oil1.5 tbsp
【Western-style sauce】 Maguro (tuna) Shuto Mild0.5 tbsp


1. Take the skin off the chicken breast and pierce it all over with a fork on both sides.
2. Grate the onion, add ● and mix well to marinate ① for 6 hours to half a day.
3. Remove the meat from ②, remove the onion, and thoroughly cover in plastic wrap. Boil the meat in a pot over low heat but do not boil too much in plastic wrap.
4. Chop the Shiso leaves and basil. Combine with the ingredients of each sauce.
5. Slice the boiled chicken breast into bite sized pieces and serve it on a plate with baby leaves, cherry tomatoes, paprika, etc.

Tips and Pointers

This dish contains very healthy ingredients. A good combination of refreshing Japanese-style sauce and basil scented Western-style sauce.


Used in this recipe!

Tuna Mild Shuto

Produced by aging rare parts of tuna in salt for a long period of time, Tuna Mild Shuto is made with a Japanese-style dashi stock and finished with a light salt to make it easy to eat.
