Stewed Beef Tenderloin Rice Seasoned and Cooked with Various Ingredients
《 Ingredients 》
1~2 Servings
Stewed Beef Tenderloin (beef)One box
Stewed Beef Tenderloin (seasoning liquid)80ml
Rice1 cup
LeekAs needed


1. Heat Stewed Beef Tenderloin in a microwave oven. Separate the beef from the seasoning liquid.
2. Add white rice, water, and seasoning from ① in a rice cooker kettle and cook in normal mode.
3. When cooked, stir in the beef.
4. Serve and top with sliced leek, if desired.

Tips and Pointers

The only flavouring is Stewed Beef Tenderloin seasoning liquid.


Used in this recipe!

Stewed Beef Tenderloin

Japanese beef tenderloin is slowly simmered until succulent. The rich flavour can easily be enjoyed at home.