Stewed Beef Tenderloin Curry Udon
《 Ingredients 》
1 Serving
Stewed Beef TenderloinOne box
Curry powder1 tbsp
Udon1 ball
Potato starch with waterAs needed
LeekAs needed


1. Put Stewed Beef Tenderloin and curry powder in a saucepan and stir to warm through.
2. When warm, stir in potato starch with water.
3. Serve over warmed udon noodles, topped with sliced leek, if desired.

Tips and Pointers

Just heat up Stewed Beef Tenderloin! Curry Udon is a step up!


Used in this recipe!

Stewed Beef Tenderloin

Japanese beef tenderloin is slowly simmered until succulent. The rich flavour can easily be enjoyed at home.