Sauteed Chikuwa and Leek
《 Ingredients 》
1~2 Servings
Chikuwa (diagonally chopped)2 sticks
Long leek (diagonally chopped)1/3
Paprika (red and yellow)1/8 of each
Sesame oil1.5 tbsp
Katsuo (bonito) Shuto1 tbsp


1. In a frying pan, heat the sesame oil and fry the chikuwa, leek and paprika.
2. Put the Katsuo (bonito) Shuto in and stir fry it further.

Tips and Pointers

The more you fry it, the better the flavour. 【What is Chikuwa…?】 Chikuwa is a Japanese fishcake product made from ingredients such as fish surimi (paste), salt, sugar, starch, monosodium glutamate, and egg white. After mixing them well, they are wrapped around a bamboo or metal stick and steamed or broiled.


Used in this recipe!

Bonito Shuto

Katsuo (bonito) Shuto is made by salting and aging rare parts of these fish over a long period of time. Taking advantage of this long-term aging process, these ‘Japanese anchovies’ have a deep flavour and can be used as a main ingredient or a secret ingredient in many dishes. It can be used as a simple snack by putting it on cream cheese, a perfect match for pizza, or an exquisite sauce by adding it to olive oil or butter.