Company information

Quality control

The company pursues food safety and delivers high quality products through a thorough approach. Thorough quality control is implemented from receipt of raw materials to shipment. We believe that strict quality control at all stages ensures safe and secure food production.

Raw material selection and management

Natural material

The raw materials we use are all of natural origin. Of course, not all of them are exactly the same as they vary in colour, shape, flavour, and sodium content. When purchasing raw materials, only those that meet our own strict standards are used for each lot. Specialist personnel visit the production area to inspect the products and provide thorough guidance.

Foreign material screening



In addition to checking raw materials for the removal of foreign objects, metal detection and X-ray inspection machines are used to detect and remove foreign objects after filling. Each inspection device is used effectively in accordance with the shape of the product and is thoroughly controlled. In addition, although we have taken measures to prevent foreign substances from entering our products, we have also introduced a system that can quickly identify foreign substances in the unlikely event that they are mixed into raw materials.

Physical, chemical and microbiological testing


In order to ensure the safety and security of our food products, we conduct physical, chemical and microbiological tests on all lots, and only ship products that pass our standards. We strictly monitor the products to ensure that they always taste the same, that they are produced according to the standards set by us, and that they conform to the standard reference values. We also carry out bacterial (microbiological) tests in our factories to ensure that our products are produced safely.

Pursuing Food Safety


Each product is carefully inspected at the end of the production line. Furthermore, careful product inspections are carried out by distribution personnel during shipment. We are committed to food safety and will always strive to deliver safe, high-quality products to our customers.