Company information

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  2. Company Information

Company information

Company profile

You can view the company profile of Shiino Foods here.

President's greeting

Message from CEO, Masayuki Shiino.


See the history of the company since its foundation in 1894.

List of Group Companies

List of the food groups service divisions.

Location and contact information

Location of head office and sales distribution centres.

List of Group stores

List of stores operated by Shiino Foods Group.

CSR (Social Contribution) Activities and ES (Employee Satisfaction) Activities

CSR (Social Contribution) Activities and ES (Employee Satisfaction) Activities.

Quality management

The quality control system for products at Shiino Foods.


Information on employment opportunities, including positions that are currently available.


Matsumaru boy


Name Shiino Marumatsu

Mascot character

Birth year 1894

Grandfather, grandmother, father, mother


Agriculture & fishing!

Hobbies Cooking, Drawing.
A word to you all Let’s have Shuto on the table!