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  2. Recipe
  3. Stamina Pickles and Celery Stir-fry

Stamina Pickles and Celery Stir-fry

《 材料 》
2 Servings
Celery (diagonally cut thick) 120g
Stamina Pickles (radish) 60g
Stamina Pickles (seasoning liquid) 40g
Sesame oil 1 tbsp
White sesame seed As needed



In a frying pan, heat the sesame oil and fry the celery over medium heat.


When the celery is heated, add the stamina pickles (radish and seasoning liquid). Simmer until the liquid is gone, then add white sesame seeds to finish.


Stamina Pickles

Marinated crunchy Japanese daikon radish (cut into strips), kelp, and chili peppers. Garlic is added to aged tamari soy sauce to create a lasting taste.